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Мерчендайзинг. Планограммы! [1]
Сайты производителей ПО для создания планограмм.

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Компания представляет 3 программы для планирования торгового пространства (мерчендайзинга). На сайте производителя вы также можете скачать инструкции и презентацию программы.

Shelf Logic Quik Plan
Shelf Logic® Quik Plan is our entry level planogram program. It is very easy to use and designed for those who only do planograms occasionally. It has the basic features of our top level program, including bitmap and jpeg images on screen and in print, automatic features like "snap-to-shelves" that place items on shelves for you, duplicate items, flip items, and more. The Quik Plan database is limited to 100 items so it's perfect for smaller planograms with fewer items.
More Details.... Purchase Shelf Logic Quik Plan

Shelf Logic Pro
Shelf Logic® Pro release 10 is designed to meet the needs of those that require sophisticated planograms with detailed reports and analysis tools. Pro permits the creation of professional planograms in both picture and schematic formats, and provides detailed reports of space utilization, financial analysis and display set up details. It also permits you to import and export data to create and maintain the databases, as well as designing customized reports. Pro supports bitmap (.BMP) and JPG image types.
More Details.... Purchase Shelf Logic Pro

Shelf Logic Master Edition
This is our flagship product. Not only does it have many more features than Pro, it is actually the easiest of our products to use. There are many built in aids that get your planogram looking its best.

Automated placement features let you create a planogram in minutes. Our new RIP Processor fills an entire shelf or peg area with products with a single mouse click. Our Next Location feature places items on shelves from left to right each time you double-click on the item list. Our Smart Plan feature automatically builds planograms for you.

Over 20 image types are supported, including jpg, bmp, gif, targa, png, pcx, Kodak Photo CD, MacPaint, and many more. Transparent backgrounds are supported for all images types. Nudge and alignment commands fine tune item placement. Rotate a face to any angle in all 3 axis. Notes, signage, high resolution printing and more.

Master Edition is networkable, allowing multiple users to share plans and databases.

In addition, Master Edition can create a Reader File, which is a single zip file that can be emailed to anyone who then uses our free Reader Program to open the plan in read-only mode. They can run reports, zoom and scroll, look at the product database, everything but make changes to the plan. This permits anyone, on any computer, to view and print all the files and reports without having to purchase the software. The Reader Program can be downloaded free from our website.

This is perfect for sales forces, multi-location operations, or others who are being supported out of home headquarters, rather than doing their own planograms.

Our database is ODBC compliant creating endless possibilities for data transfer, integration and customization. Product Data can be imported from Excel, SQL Server and any ODBC data source. And yet with all this, it is still easy to learn and simple to use.

For the Master Edition, there are several additional programs available. We offer Video Training, a Label Maker and a Custom Report Writer.
More Details.... Purchase Shelf Logic Master Edition

Мерчендайзинг. Планограммы! | Переходов: 403 | Добавил: http://www.shelflogic.com/products | Дата: 04 Июля 2007

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